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my jolly sailor bold中文版

2022-09-20 22:15:15 优选知识 来源:
导读 大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。my jolly sailor bold中文版这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、MY JOLLY SAILOR B...

大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。my jolly sailor bold中文版这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD我那快乐勇敢的水手Upon one summer’s morning, I carefully did stray,一个夏日清晨,我小心的踱着步子Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay,在Wapping(建于18世纪伦敦城的一处堡垒)墙下,我遇到一个快乐的水手Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem’d to be in pain,与他交谈的可爱女子。

2、看来似乎很伤心Saying, William, when you go, I fear you will ne’er return again.她说威廉啊,你这一走,恐怕永远也不回来了His hair it does in ringlets hang, his eyes as black as soles, (soundtrack中改为his hair hangs in ringlets...)他的头发自然卷曲。

3、他的眼睛乌黑深邃My happiness attend him wherever he goes,无论他走到哪里,我都快乐相随From Tower Hill, down to Blackwall, I will wander, weep and moan,从Tower Hill到Blackwall(两地均属古伦敦城),我将一路游荡。

4、带着眼泪和惆怅All for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return.都只为我那快乐勇敢的水手,直到他归来那天My father is a merchant — the truth I will now tell,我现在就道出原委——我的父亲是个商人And in great London City in opulence doth dwell,现居于大伦敦城中,殷实富庶His fortune doth exceed ₤300,000 in gold,他的家财多过30万镑金两And he frowns upon his daughter, ‘cause she loves a sailor bold.而女儿是他的心病。

5、因为她爱上个穷水手A fig for his riches, his merchandize, and gold,不在乎那些富有、家产和金币True love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold:真爱深印我心,我只要那个勇敢的水手Should he return in poverty, from o’er the ocean far,即便他航行迢迢千里,归来仍一贫如洗To my tender bosom, I’ll fondly press my jolly tar.我依然敞开温柔的怀抱。

6、深情地拥抱我快乐的水手(tar义指水手)My sailor is as smiling as the pleasant month of May,我的水手微笑着,正似美妙的五月一般晴朗And oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway,我们经常漫步在Ratcliffe大道上Where many a pretty blooming girl we happy did behold,那里有许多年轻美丽的女孩儿Reclining on the bosom of her jolly sailor bold.依偎在属于她们的快乐勇敢的水手怀中My name it is Maria, a merchant’s daughter fair,我的名字是Maria,一名商人的女儿And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year,我已经离开父母,抛弃了一年3000镑的富足生活Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be来吧。

7、美丽的金发女孩,不管你是谁Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea,爱上了投身汹涌大海的快乐勇敢水手While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn,每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨。

8、都为远去的他担忧揪心And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return.又在心中坚定地祈祷,总有一天他会平安归家My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,我的心被爱神之箭射中,金钱在我眼中皆如粪土There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold没有什么能带给我安慰。



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