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irreplaceable-beyonce knowles

2022-09-20 00:42:10 优选知识 来源:
导读 大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。irreplaceable-beyonce knowles这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、绝无仅有to the le...

大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。irreplaceable-beyonce knowles这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、绝无仅有to the left, to the left....『推左边,推左边』Everything you own in the box to the left『所有你箱子的东西推去左边』In the closet, thats my stuff『柜子里是我的东西』Yes, if I bought it, then please don’t touch『对!只要是我买的都别碰』And keep talking that mess, thats fine『可以继续废话也无妨』Could you walk and talk, at the same time?『但可不可以请你边走边说?』And its my name thats on that jag『还有跑车在我名下』So go move your bags, let me call you a cab『也请把你包包带走,让我帮你叫车』Standing in the front yard, telling me『站在院子前面你告诉我』How I’m such a fool, talking ’bout『你说我如此得笨』How I’ll never ever find a man like you『你说再也找不到像你这种男人』You got me twisted『你让我很烦』You must not know ’bout me....『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I could have another you in a minute『我能在一分钟内找到取代你的人』Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute (baby)『事实上他早就出现,宝贝』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I can have another you by tomorrow『我能在明天找到另一个男友』So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin’『所以你连一秒钟都不用去想』You’re irreplaceable『你绝无仅有』So go ahead and get grown『所以快滚,去找你马子』Call up that chick, and see if shes home『看她在不在家』Oops I bet you thought, that I didn’t know『喔,我打赌你以为我不知道』What did you think『不然你以为』I was putting you out for?『我干嘛把你赶出门?』Because you was untrue『因为你骗我』Rolling her around in the car that I bought you『在我买给你的车上,跟她搞车震』Baby, drop them keys『宝贝,钥匙给我』Hurry up, before your taxi leaves『快点,计程车快走了』Standing in the front yard, telling me『站在院子前面你告诉我』How I’m such a fool, talking ’bout『你说我如此得笨』How I’ll never ever find a man like you『你说再也找不到像你这种男人』You got me twisted『你让我很烦』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I could have another you in a minute『我能在一分钟内找到取代你的人』Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute (baby)『事实上他早就出现了,宝贝』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I’ll have another you by tomorrow『我将在明天找到另一个男友』So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin’『所以你连一秒钟都不用去想』You’re irreplaceable『你绝无仅有』So since I’m not your everything『既然我不是你的全部』How about I’ll be nothing? nothing at all to you『那我跟你毫无相关』Baby i won’t shed a tear for you『宝贝,我一滴眼泪不会为你流』I won’t lose a wink of sleep『我也不会为你而失眠』Cause the truth of the matter is『因为真正的原因是』Replacing you is so easy『取代你的人轻而易举』To the left to the left...『推左边,推左边』Everything you own in the box to left『所有你箱子的东西推去左边』To the left to the left『推左边,推左边』Don’t you ever for a second get to thinking『你连一秒钟都不用去想』You’re irreplaceable『你绝无仅有』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I could have another you in a minute『我能在一分钟内找到取代你的人』Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute『事实上他早就出现,宝贝』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I can have another you by tomorrow『我能在明天找到另一个男友』So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin’『所以你连一秒钟都不用去想』You must not know ’bout me...『你真是不了解我,一点也不了解我』I could have another you in a minute『我能在一分钟内找到取代你的人』Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute『事实上他早就出现,宝贝』You can pack all your bags we’re finished『把你的东西整理好,我们玩完了!』Cause you made your bed now lay in it『因为那是你自找的』I could have another you by tomorrow『我能在明天找到另一个男友』Don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin’『你连一秒钟都不用去想』You’re irreplaceable『你绝无仅有』歌名原意为“不可替代”,听起来似乎是坚守爱情的歌曲,可其实内容与之相反。



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