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1、别用修改器,个教你,首先打开mow/resource 找到game.pak 。
2、然后把它用WinRAR 打开打开之后看见interfacemappropertiessetshader这5个文件夹打开set找difficulty (文件夹)把easy.dl拖到桌面右键单击easy.dl点击“用记事本打开”{difficulty{any{ai_damage 0.26} ; modifier for damage from ai to ai units(include ""){cover_mgun_accuracy 1}; additionally increase accuracy of soldier with mgun in horizontal cover{cover_mgun_burst 3}; increase bullet count in 1 burst of soldier with mgun in horizontal cover{cover_mgun_delay 0.2}; decrease timeout between bursts of soldier with mgun in horizontal cover{vehicle_burst 1.5}; increase timeout between bursts for all vehicles}{enemy{health 2} 《 ————————————————敌人生命{accuracy 0.2}{burst 0.85}{cover_damage 2} ; damage when protected by cover{cover_hitchance 0.32}; hit chance when protected by cover{crawl_hitchance 0.5}; hit chance for prone soldier{firing_timeout 1.0}{grenade_timeout 1.5}{mounted_mgun 5}; accuracy modifier for mguns mounted on tanks}{ally{translate_damage 2}; damage translation output modifier{health 3}《————我军的血 ; health increase{health_increase 0.01}《——我军每秒增加的血; health regeneration{burst 0.8}{cover_damage 3}{cover_hitchance 0.28}{crawl_hitchance 0.5}{mounted_mgun 5}}{neutral{health 1.9}《 ————————————————友军生命{accuracy 0.25}}}我修改过数值不一样你别介意 我军的血设为99 我军每秒增加的血改成99 无敌还能修改敌人&友军的精准度(自己研究) 无敌也怕火!!!然后保存在拖回difficulty (文件夹)别删桌面上的easy.dl或在拖回difficulty是点击同时删除源文件进游戏看看~秘籍没个好用的 你改成无敌 敌人也无敌了 只能修改存档。
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